ISSM President Run Wang Looks Forward to a Successful Year Ahead
Dear ISSM members,
As 2024 ends, I am sure that many of you have spent time with loved ones, gathered for holiday meals and special celebrations. It has been an extraordinary year for ISSM under the leadership of Dr. Gerald Brock. We witnessed the huge success of ICSM in Madrid and WMSM in Rio de Janeiro. The Movember project is also gaining momentum.
This would not be possible without your hard work and collective efforts. The ISSM Executive Committee are grateful to all of you, a remarkable team of 3,500+ ISSM members, for your steadfast dedication to our mission. Looking ahead to 2025, we will be embarking on many exciting projects, including the launch of the ISSM Future Leaders Program, publication of the recommendations from the ICSM, promoting awareness of prostate cancer and its impact on sexual health under the Movember project, and the continuing efforts of the surgical outreach program in underserved regions.
2025 will also be an unique year for ISSM since we will have two joint meetings: one with ISSWSH at the end of February in Atlanta, USA and another one with SASSM in September at Bangalore, India. I am looking forward to seeing you at these meetings for quality scientific exchanges and building warm friendships within the community. I wish you all a very successful and joyous new year. It will be a great honor and privilege to serve you as your ISSM president.
Run Wang, MD, FACS.