ISSM Board of Directors
To accomplish its mission, the ISSM relies on the contributions of an outstanding roster of professionals.
Executive Committee
Run Wang, MD, credits his research work in medical school for guiding him to the field of sexual medicine.
“I was involved in research regarding male infertility,” said Dr. Wang, professor and chair of urology at McGovern Medical School. “This research not only stimulated my interest in urology, but also provided me with the opportunity to connect with the best urological andrologists in the world, Dr. Wayne Hellstrom and Dr. Ronald Lewis. They motivated me to explore the field of urological andrology and sexual medicine.”
Dr. Wang is a leading expert in male urology, men’s health and erectile dysfunction. He said it’s the difference he makes in his patient’s lives that keep him going and proud to be an urologist.
“I once received an email from a patient who I cured of sexual dysfunction,” said Wang. “He said his wife would tell him, ‘Dear, you know I love you more than anyone in the world, but right now I’m really loving Dr. Wang.’”
Dr. Wang is currently serving as president-elect of the ISSM.
Dr Eric Chung is a consultant urological surgeon at the AndroUrology Centre for Sexual, Urinary and Reproductive Excellence and holds professorial academic appointments at the University of Queensland in Brisbane and Macquarie University Hospital in Sydney, Australia. He is currently the Secretary-General for the Asia Pacific Society of Sexual Medicine (APSSM), and Chair of the Membership Committee at the International Society on Sexual Medicine (ISSM). He has held numerous positions within ISSM over the last 10 years including Scientific Convenor for the first (hybrid) virtual WMSM in 2021, Chair of Scientific Committee, Chair of the Prostate Cancer Survivorship Committee at the last International Consultation on Sexual Medicine and editorial board members of various ISSM journals (current Associate Editor for SMOA and past editorial board member of JSM). He has been awarded a Special Service Award by the ISSM in 2021 as an acknowledgement for being instrumental in the promotion of the ISSM worldwide and having provided outstanding services to ISSM. Within the Asia-Pacific region, he has served on the executive board of APSSM since 2012 and is appointed as one of the vice presidents of the International Chinese Urologists’ Association (ICUA), as well as the Chair of the Male LUT section and past Chair of the Andrology section for the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ).
- Medical school & Urology at McGill in Montreal CANADA -1991
- University of San Francisco Neurourology fellowship- 1993
- Associate Prof -McGill Urology, Montreal- 1998
- Professor at Western University- Department of Surgery, London 2021
- Past-President of the Canadian Urological Association
- Past Chair Canadian Men's Sexual Health Council
- Past Chair of the ICSM- Madrid
- Previous Secretary SMSNA
- Previous Secretary General ISSM
- Current President-Elect ISSM
Dr. Arthur (Bud) Burnett received his A.B. degree in Biology from Princeton University and M.D. and M.B.A. degrees from Johns Hopkins University. He performed post-graduate training in general surgery, urology, and reconstructive urology and urodynamics at the Johns
Hopkins Hospital. At present, he holds the position of Patrick C. Walsh Distinguished Professor of Urology. Dr. Burnett has served in multiple professional capacities with medical organizations and advisory committees. He has made academic contributions consistent with his biomedical research and clinical activities in sexual medicine, major pelvic reconstruction, and genitourinary oncology. He has written more than 300 original peer-review articles, 70 editorial comments, 50 book chapters, and 2 books.
Members at large

Biography - Eduardo P. Miranda, MD, PhD, FECSM
Eduardo P. Miranda, MD, PhD, FECSM is a board-certified urologist specialized in male sexual and reproductive health, with expertise in penile surgery and microsurgical procedures.
He graduated magna cum laude from the Federal University of Ceara (2008) after receiving an International Brazil-Germany Graduation Scholarship to participate in an exchange program in the Charité Universität Berlin. Following his graduation, Dr. Miranda completed his residency training in General Surgery and Urology at the prestigious university hospital from the University of Sao Paulo (2015). He also completed a clinical fellowship in Sexual & Reproductive Medicine, a joint program offered by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) and Weill Cornell Medical College under the mentorship of Dr. John Mulhall (2017).
Since his first years of medical school, Dr. Miranda has always been passionate about sexual medicine research when he was involved in a project about male sexual dysfunction in kidney-transplanted patients. He was able to finish his PhD program in Urology at the University of Sao Paulo before departing for his training in the United States (2016). At the moment, he is participating in several research projects, including clinical and experimental studies, and has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals and textbook chapters. His research activities are currently focused on nerve and erectile recovery following prostatectomy, development of biomaterials for penile reconstructive surgery, and outcomes of testosterone therapy. He was honored in 2018 with the best research project presented at the 18th SMSNA Annual Fall Scientific Meeting and is currently the recipient of ISSM Zorgnotti Grant (2019).
He is currently working in the city of Fortaleza, northeastern Brazil, devoting himself to both academics and patient care. Dr. Miranda is an advocate for the high standards of sexual medicine in Latin America, where he serves a member of the Board of Directors in SLAMS. He is also chair of the ISSM Finance and Audit Committee. He works also as national coordinator of the Andrology Department within the Brazilian Urological Association (SBU) and the Second Treasurer of the Brazilian Association for Sexual Medicine and Health (ABEMSS).

Biography - Y. (Cobi) Reisman MD, PhD, FECSM, ECPS
Urologist, Sexologist (NVVS and ISST) Medical Director Flare-Health, The Netherlands Consultant Reuth Rehabilitation Hospital, Israel
Y. Reisman graduates Cum Laude at the Faculty of Medicine of State University Groningen, The Netherlands. In 1998 he defenses his PhD research thesis on electronic diagnostic tools and objective medical decisions with European Clinical database. Since 2002 he is registered as a urologist and was allied to the Amstelland hospital in Amstelveen and from 2006 till 2016 chairman of the Dutch Men’s Health Clinics network. Since 2019 director of Flare-Health and Consultant in Reuth Rehabilitation Hospital Tel-Aviv.
In 2011 he become a registered sexologist by the Dutch Society of sexology (NVVS) for which he received an honorary membership in 2022. He is honorary and visiting Professor for urology of the Russian Federal Institute of Urology, Moscow and of the Shanghai Institute of Andrology of the Medical School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is active member of the European Association of Urology (EAU), Past-President of the
European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM), Ex-President of the Multidisciplinary Joint Committee on Sexual Medicine (MJCSM), for which he receives Silver Decoration of Honor from the European Union Medical Specialists (UEMS), Academician member of the European Academy of Andrology and co-director of ESSM School of Sexual Medicine. He is senior lecturer of Clinical Sexology at the RINO-Amsterdam, Netherlands.
He was responsible for setting up the sexual medicine educational program of the ESSM and establishing of the European accredited certification examination in Sexual medicine under the umbrella of the UEMS.
His special interest and publications are among others on male and female sexual dysfunction, cancer and sexuality, sexuality in chronic conditions, PSSD, POIS and life style and sexual function. Y. Reisman is among others co-editor of the ESSM Manual of Sexual Medicine, The EFS-ESSM Syllabus of Clinical Sexology, Cancer, Intimacy and Sexuality, and The Textbook of Rare Sexual Medicine Conditions.

Representatives Affiliated Societies
Fernando Facio
Fernando Facio, MD. PhD. - Associate Professor of Urology, Chief of the Division Men’s Health in FAMERP Medical School, Brazil. Member and Treasurer of SLAMS
Associate Editor of Sexual Medicine Open Access since 2015
Research Fellow in the Department of Urology at Johns Hopkins University (2008- 2009) under the supervision of Dr. Arthur L. Burnett
Tobias S. Kohler
Tobias S. Köhler, MD, MPH, FACS, Professor of Urology, specializes in the treatment of erectile and sexual dysfunction, and BPH (enlarged prostate) in the Department of Urology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. He is head of Mayo Men’s Health and Program Director for the Mayo Andrology Fellowship. Dr. Köhler is an active member of American Urological Association, North Central Section, and is the President elect of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America. He has published more than 250 peer reviewed scientific articles, book chapters and scientific abstracts and presented both locally and nationally on various subjects including erectile dysfunction, low testosterone, BPH, surgical education, and penile prostheses.
ISSM Advisory Council
The ISSM Advisory Council is comprised of the Past Presidents of the ISSM and provides advice and recommendations to the ISSM Executive Committee, Board and staff regarding issues being faced by the ISSM and on matters of mutual interest. The Advisory Council shall meet at least twice a year but may be meeting more frequently either independently or in conjunction with the ISSM Board and/or Executive Committee.