This webinar took place on April 29, 2024.
Embark on a unique learning experience with our webinar on "Penile and Urinary Prosthesis Simulation." This specialized session offers a hands-on exploration of penile and urinary prosthesis simulation techniques. Designed for healthcare professionals, students, and those interested in urology, the webinar will provide valuable insights into the latest advancements in penile and urinary prosthetics. Expert presenters will guide participants through simulation exercises, allowing for a practical understanding of the procedures involved in the placement and use of these prostheses. From penile implants to urinary devices, attendees will gain practical knowledge that enhances their skills and expertise in urology. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with leading experts, broaden your understanding of prosthetic simulations, and elevate your proficiency in urological care. Secure your spot now for an informative and hands-on webinar experience!
- Opening and introduction by ISSM Representative
- Welcome by moderator David Ralph, UK
- Penile Prosthesis and Artificial Urinary Sphincters Surgical Simulation: Transitioning from Simulation to Surgery by Ahmed Ghazi, USA
- Printing Advancement in Peyronie Disease Surgery by Bruno Machado, USA
- Q&A session led by the moderator

David Ralph is past Chairman of BAUS section of Andrology, past president of the British Society of Sexual Medicine and European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM). He is currently chairman of the European Society of Genitourethral Reconstructive Surgeons,(ESGURS) and president of the Sexual Advice Association charity.

Dr. Ghazi MD, MHPE, received his medical education 2000 and Urology residency from Cairo University, Egypt. He completed a series of endourology and robotic fellowships, in Europe and United State prior to his appointment as faculty at the University of Rochester, New York. In 2023 he joined the Brady Urological Institute at Johns Hopkins University as an Assocaite Professor , Director of Simulation training and Director of Robotic surgery.
Dr. Ghazi completed the George Corner Deans Teaching fellowship, Harvard Macy Institute program for Educators in Health Professions, a Masters in Health Professions Education at the Warner School of Education, and a Senior Leadership Education and Development Program during his tenure.
Dr. Ghazi directs the Simulation learning and Innovation Center of Excellence (SLICE) and leads a team of biomedical engineers that fabricate realistic simultions that replicate the texture, appearance and tissue reaction of human organs. In this role, he collaborates with educators nationally, and internationally, in a variety of disciplines to enhance the role of simulation in surgical education. His team has developed and validated a non-biohazardous model for penile prothesis placement that has revolutionized the training in the field

Brun Machado graduated in Urology in 2006 from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Brasil. He completed his fellowship in 2009 from Clinique Saint Augustin - Bordeaux, France
He currently works as an Associate Professor of Urology at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.