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Personality and Attitudes Influence Men’s Experiences with Premature Ejaculation

Assessing personality traits and attitudes might help clinicians better understand and treat men with premature ejaculation (PE), suggests new research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. 

Female Sexual Dysfunction Linked to Sexual Problems in Men

Men whose female partners have sexual dysfunction are likely to have sexual problems themselves, according to the results of a recent review and meta-analysis in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Study Explores Explicit and Implicit Assessments of Nonheterosexuality and Androphilia

Implicit measurements of sexual preferences among men yield different results than explicit ones, according to a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine study.

Lifelong Vaginismus is a “Couple Problem,” Researchers Say

The affective temperaments of men and women can affect experiences with lifelong vaginismus (LLV), according to new research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Orgasm Consistency: How Does It Affect Satisfaction?

Women’s orgasms consistency appears to have a curvilinear relationship with sexual and relational satisfaction, while men’s consistency has a linear association, a recent study reports.

Study Examines Sexual Health of HIV-Positive Men on ART

Approximately one-third of HIV-positive men on stable antiretroviral therapy (ART) experience sexual problems, according to a new study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. 

Sexual Violence Linked to Sexual Distress in Pregnant Women

Approximately 1 in 10 pregnant women in Turkey experience sexual violence from their partner or spouse during their pregnancy, a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine study reports.

Internet-Based CBT Benefits Men with Hypersexual Disorder

Internet-administered cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) can be helpful for men with hypersexual disorder with or without paraphilia(s) or paraphilic disorder(s), according to a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine pilot study.

Sexual Abuse Over Lifetime Can Have Cumulative Effect on Hypersexuality, Especially for Men

Sexual abuse at any age may predict hypersexuality in both men and women, researchers report in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. However, the association is stronger in men who have experienced abuse as children and adolescents/adults.

Meeting Partners Online Linked to Risky Sexual Behaviors

Meeting Partners Online Linked to Risky Sexual Behaviors

People who meet sexual partners online may be more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors, according to new research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Bipolar Disorder: Mood Stabilizers Affect Sexual Function Differently

Bipolar Disorder: Mood Stabilizers Affect Sexual Function Differently

People who take mood stabilizers for bipolar disorder may experience varying degrees of sexual dysfunction depending on the protocol used, according to new research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. 

Study Finds that Some Women Prefer Circumcised Penises

Women tend to prefer circumcised penises over uncircumcised penises, according to a recent Sexual Medicine review article, though the authors acknowledged several limitations and recommended further research.


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