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How Penile Cancer Impacts Sexual Function and Health-Related Quality of Life

How Penile Cancer Impacts Sexual Function and Health-Related Quality of Life

A cancer diagnosis of any kind can be very distressing for an individual, and the repercussions of such a diagnosis can have a significant impact on all aspects of a person’s life. What’s more, although cancer treatments can prevent the cancer from spreading and possibly eliminate it altogether, they often have negative short- and long-term consequences for patients. Patients who are aware of the possible side effects before undergoing treatment may be better equipped to manage them with the support of primary care physicians, oncologists, mental health specialists, and other health care professionals.

Is Appearance Satisfaction Linked to Sexual Function?

Is Appearance Satisfaction Linked to Sexual Function?

People who are satisfied with their appearance may have fewer sexual problems, suggests a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine study. 

Study Highlights Social Effects of COVID-19 on People Living With HIV

Study Highlights Social Effects of COVID-19 on People Living With HIV

During the COVID-19 pandemic, people living with HIV (PLHIV) may experience disruptions in care, poor mental health, economic insecurity, and discrimination, according to a recent review article in AIDS and Behavior. 

Helpline Could Benefit Potential Sex Offenders

Helpline Could Benefit Potential Sex Offenders

A telephone helpline may be an effective way to assist individuals at risk for committing sexual offenses, according to a new Journal of Sexual Medicine study.

Study Reports “No Significant Changes” in Intercourse Frequency During Pandemic’s First Months

Study Reports “No Significant Changes” in Intercourse Frequency During Pandemic’s First Months

An assessment of Chinese couples living together suggests that stress related to COVID-19 has not significantly changed sexual frequency, sexual quality, or emotional bonding between partners.

Men With Hyperthyroidism More Likely to Have PE, Study Suggests

Men With Hyperthyroidism More Likely to Have PE, Study Suggests

A recent review paper discusses the possible connection between hyperthyroidism and premature ejaculation (PE).

COVID-19: Lower Libido and Satisfaction Reported in Healthcare Workers

COVID-19: Lower Libido and Satisfaction Reported in Healthcare Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the sexual function of healthcare workers in Brazil, according to a new Sexual Medicine study.

Study Examines Body Image Self-Consciousness & Its Links to Insecure Attachment and Sexual Dysfunction

Study Examines Body Image Self-Consciousness & Its Links to Insecure Attachment and Sexual Dysfunction

Body image self-consciousness appears to have a “mediating role” between insecure attachment patterns and sexual dysfunction in women, according to a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine study. For lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) women, the relationship may be more substantial.

Choking Is a Sex Health Concern Among U.S. College Students

Choking Is a Sex Health Concern Among U.S. College Students

Undergraduate students take part in a variety of sexual behaviors, but some of those activities, like choking, could be dangerous, report the authors of a new Journal of Sexual Medicine paper.

Study Analyzes Diabetes, Mental Health, and Sexual Function During COVID-19 Pandemic

Study Analyzes Diabetes, Mental Health, and Sexual Function During COVID-19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, people with type 2 diabetes who report decreased sexual function are more likely to have alexithymia, anxiety, and depression according to a recent study of Turkish subjects in Sexuality and Disability. 

Study Compares Transgender, Cisgender Brain Scans

Study Compares Transgender, Cisgender Brain Scans

Transgender individuals appear to have a “unique brain phenotype” compared to their cisgender peers, according to a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine study.


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