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How Might Testicular Cancer Affect One’s Sexual Function?

How Might Testicular Cancer Affect One’s Sexual Function?

April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about this often misunderstood disease. Testicular cancer, while relatively rare compared to other cancers, can have significant implications on various aspects of a person’s life, including their sexual function and reproductive health. Understanding how testicular cancer impacts sexual health is crucial for those affected and their loved ones.

What Are Clitoral Adhesions?

What Are Clitoral Adhesions?

Within the realm of sexual health, understanding the intricacies of genital anatomy and addressing issues that may arise is crucial. One such concern that often goes undiscussed is clitoral adhesions, a condition that can impact sexual pleasure and overall quality of life for individuals. The following will explore what clitoral adhesions are, their potential causes, their symptoms, and why they are significant in sexual health.

Does every gender incongruent person need psychiatric assessment before treatment?

Gender identity is not a mental disorder, but a condition related to sexual health. In this video from the International Society for Sexual Medicine, experts in the field discuss if gender incongruent persons need psychiatric assessment before treatment.

How Do Cultural or Societal Factors Impact Sexual Health?

How Do Cultural or Societal Factors Impact Sexual Health?

Sexual health is an integral aspect of overall well-being, encompassing physical, emotional, mental, and social dimensions. However, it is not solely determined by biological factors; cultural and societal influences play a significant role in shaping attitudes, behaviors, and access to sexual health resources. As the world observes World Health Day on April 7, it is worthwhile to recognize the multifaceted ways in which cultural and societal factors impact sexual health outcomes.

How Does Menopause Affect Sexual Health?

How Does Menopause Affect Sexual Health?

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. It typically occurs in midlife, usually between the ages of 45 and 55, although the timing can vary. During menopause, a woman’s ovaries stop releasing eggs and produce lower levels of hormones like estrogen and progesterone, leading to various physical and hormonal changes. These changes can include symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and irregular menstrual cycles, ultimately resulting in the cessation of menstruation altogether.

What one Message Would you Want to Get Across to Doctors Treating Gay Men?

In this video from International Society for Sexual Medicine, experts in the field of sexual health discuss what message that would like to get across to doctors treating gay men. 

How Might Kidney Disease Impact One’s Sexuality?

How Might Kidney Disease Impact One’s Sexuality?

For many people, kidney disease or kidney failure brings a wave of concerns, not the least of which is how it might impact their sexuality. It is essential to recognize that individuals with kidney failure can maintain healthy relationships and enjoy fulfilling sex lives. However, kidney disease can introduce changes that affect various aspects of sexuality, including physical function, emotional well-being, and intimacy.

Are There Lifestyle Changes That Can Improve Sexual Health?

Are There Lifestyle Changes That Can Improve Sexual Health?

Sexual health is an integral aspect of overall well-being, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional factors. While medications or treatments may be necessary to address some sexual concerns, there are times when simple lifestyle changes can significantly improve one’s sexual health and enhance intimacy. From diet and exercise to stress management and communication, adopting a holistic approach can pave the way for a fulfilling intimate life.

Are Lesbian Women Overlooked Regarding Sexual Dysfunctions?

Lesbian women may be overlooked and understudied in sexual medicine. In this video from the International Society for Sexual Medicine, experts in the field describe ways in which lesbian women are overlooked regarding sexual dysfunctions. 

How Is Endometriosis Diagnosed?

How Is Endometriosis Diagnosed?

Endometriosis is a chronic condition that affects millions of women worldwide. It occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, leading to various symptoms like pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, and infertility. If you suspect you may have endometriosis, seeking a proper diagnosis is vital for managing the condition effectively. Here’s what you need to know about the diagnosis process.

How Might an Eating Disorder Impact One’s Sexual Health?

How Might an Eating Disorder Impact One’s Sexual Health?

Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions that are characterized by persistent disturbances in eating patterns and associated behaviors related to food. They not only affect an individual’s relationship with food but can also have profound implications for various aspects of their life, including emotional well-being, social interactions, and physical health.

Do I Increase my Erectile Function if I Improve my Testosterone Level?

Testosterone has become frequently marketed in recent times. This may cause men to wonder if they can increase erectile function by improving their testosterone level. In this video from the International Society for Sexual Medicine, experts in the field of sexual health discuss if this is true.


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